Home sellers are slowly taking advantage of selling their property without an agent present. The 2019 National Association of Realtors annual report showed there were over 5.8 million houses sold that year. Of these, 11% were direct sales through For Sale by Owner (FSBO) terms.
Selling without an agent provides the luxury of fast home sales with an allure of instant cash payments. You do not have to pay a 3-5% to an agent or wait for months on end for the deal to mature.
While it is enticing to carry out house sales without an agent, you may need to be vigilant when carrying out the transactions. You do not wish to fall into the trap of the ever-fluctuating housing markets or scrupulous cash buyers. Here are four tips to guide you through the home selling process.
1. Research Home Buyers
You may need to take time and do your homework on the home buyers in Calgary. While you may look forward to selling your house fast for cash, you need to find the right partner. Home investors in Calgary may utilize different business models — from sight-unseen that only require photos of your house to those that demand a walkthrough before providing an instant cash offer.
Does the private investor have a professional website or office? What do other past clients in Calgary say about their services? A quick dive online can help you separate the wheat from the chaff.
2. Worry Less About Your Property’s Condition
Selling without an agent allows you to sell the home on an ‘As Is’ basis. Most cash buyers will not mind the condition of your house. You do not have to carry out expensive repairs and upgrades to make the home more pleasing to the buyers. However, you need to be honest about your property’s condition to allow for accurate pricing of your home. Selling without an agent makes an ideal option for house sales with a quick turnaround, especially for inherited homes.
3. Educate Yourself
You may need to take time and learn the nitty-gritty of the home selling process. You may also need to educate yourself on the different legal documents required before changing ownership. Finding out more information can help you hasten the house sale as well as negotiate a better deal for your property. It’s prudent to ask questions whenever you are unsure about a step in the transaction process. Ask how the buyer reaches the valuation for the cash offer for homes. Which party caters to the closing costs?
4. Settle for a Fair Cash Offer and Closing Date
Homeowners that prefer selling without an agent are enthralled by the prospect of having to sell a house fast for cash at a reasonable price. It is vital to have a realistic expectation for the valuation of your home. You can use online valuation sites or ask around the neighborhood for prices of homes that were recently sold. Only sell to cash buyers that provide a fair cash offer with a closing date of your choosing.
Selling without an agent can provide quick access to cash within a shorter timeframe. Are you looking to sell your home fast in Calgary? We are willing to make a fair cash offer with the closing being on a day that you prefer.